
PDO Abstraction Classes to manage Database operations including database, table, and column creation and auto-update, and CRUD functions from within PHP

View the Project on GitHub ezra-obiwale/dbScribe

This library can create your databases, tables and columns. It can further keep an eye on your models to see if any column needs to be updated. This constant monitoring is based on annotations.

General uses

Below is a table showing the general uses of each file:

File Uses
Annotation.php Used to read annotations on models. Only used internally. Ignore.
ArrayCollection.php An iteratable collection of models with additional methods for navigation.
Connection.php Extends PDO and accepts PDO options to create a connection to the database.
Mapper.php Extends Row. Required class to be extended by models for auto-generation and monitoring
Repository.php Extends Table. Contains additional methods to for easier db access.
Row.php A typical object representing a row in the database.
Table.php Represents a table in the database and provides methods for operations.
Util.php Contains utility methods used in operations and may be used by developers too if necessary.

Basic Usage

Connecting to a database

    $connection = new Connection('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test_db', 'db_user', 'db_user_password', array(
        'tablePrefix' => 'ds_', // optional - Indicates the prefix to add to table names
        'create' => true, // optional - Indicates whether to create the database if it doesn't exist,
        'autoUpdate' => true, // optional - Indicates whether to auto update database tables from mapper class annotations

Connecting to a table

Example database table columns

Table ds_user

id first_name last_name full_name gender
1 Adam Freeman Adam Freeman male
2 Eve Gerald Eve Gerald female
3 Segun Ajayi Segun Ajayi male
4 Shade Adeyemi Shade Adeyemi female
5 Ezra Obiwale Ezra Obiwale male
    $tblUser = $connection->table('user'); // Note: Table name without prefix
    $tblUser = new Table('user', $connection); // Note: Table name without prefix


    // using array
    $row1 = array('first_name' => 'Shade', 'last_name' => 'Adeyemi');

    // using objects
    $row2 = new Row();
    $row2->firstName = 'Segun';
    $row2->lastName = 'Ajayi';

    $tblUser->insert(array($row1, $row2));
    $tblUser->select(); // Returns all rows

    // Select rows where firstname is Segun or Shade
    $criteria = array(
        array('firstName' => 'Segun'),
        array('firstName' => 'Shade'),
    $rows = $tblUser->select($criteria); // Returns object ArrayCollection containing 2 Row objects
    // $tblUser->select($criteria, Table::RETURN_DEFAULT) returns an array of row arrays
    // $tblUser->select($criteria, Table::RETURN_JSON) returns (You got it right) JSON objects
    $row1 = array('first_name' => 'Segun', 'last_name' => 'Ayodeji');
    $row2 = new Row();
    $row2->firstName = 'Shade';
    $row2->lastName = 'Asegun';

    $tblUser->update(array($row1, $row2), 'firstName'); // updates the rows where the `first_name` is as given in the column to update by. Default is `id`
    $tblUser->delete(array($row1, $row2)); // deletes based on the columns provided in the rows

Advanced Usage

Creating Model Classes

    class User extends DBScribe\Mapper {
        /** @DBS\Int (primary=true,autoIncrement=true,size=2) **/
        public $id;
        /** @DBS\String (size=20) **/
        public $firstName;
        /** @DBS\String (size=20) **/
        public $lastName;
        /** @DBS\String (size=41) **/
        public $fullName;

        public function preSave() {
            // do something before saving to database
            $this->fullName = $this->firstName . ' ' . $this->lastName;


        public function postFetch() {

            // do something after retrieving from database

    $user = new User();
    $user->firstName = 'Emmanuella';
    $user->lastName = 'Oyewumi';

    $repoUser = new Repository($user, $connection);


    $repoUser->fetchAll(); // same as select() without criteria
    $repoUser->findOneBy('firstName', 'Emmanuella');
    $repoUser->findWhere([$row1, $row2]);